


ABAP on Steroids: practical use of parallel processing

Posted by Trond Stroemme 


Parallel processing is not a new concept, but one that is regularly overlooked when it comes to increasing ABAP performance. Why?
Your SAP system will (normally) have more than one process available at any given time. Still, most of us insist on using just one of them. This is a bit like a manufacturer relying on only one truck to bring the products from his plant to the shopping malls, when there's a whole fleet of trucks just standing by!
Not only that, but most SAP systems spans more than one application server, each with a range of (hopefully) available processes. So, what are we waiting for?
h2. OK, so my program takes forever to execute. How can I put it on steroids?
In this blog, I'll show a practical example for dealing with one of the dreaded father-and-son relations in the wonderful world of SAP FI: Accounting documents, tables BKPF-BSEG. Prowling your way through these tables can really take its toll, both on the system itself and your patience. Not to mention that of the customer breathing down your neck.

There are numerous other blogs and papers about parallel processing using RFC's on SDN, and one of the best (if not the best) is Thorsten Franz' blog Calling Function Modules in Parallel Universes.

I actually suggest you start there for some very interesting background info on the merits (and pitfalls) of using RFC's. There's also a link to Horst Keller's blog series and the official SAP documentation. In addition, the excellent book "ABAP Cookbook" from SAP Press (by James Wood) outlines the principles of using asynchronous RFCs for parallel processing (as well as providing loads of other cool stuff for enhancing your ABAP skill set!) A highly recommended read.
Using asynchronous RFC's without caution is not recommended, and you risk bogging down the system as well as running into errors that can be difficult to resolve. However, if you do decide to use parallel processing, the following might be a good starting point. I'll try to keep things simple and explain every step along the way.
h2. The sample program
We'll create a program to display info from BKPF/BSEG. The program will read all entries from BKPF (feel free to introduce your own selection criteria here, such as company code and/or fiscal year), and then retrieve all related entries from BSEG. This second step will be done by calling a function module via RFC, repeatedly, in parallel. We will try to balance the workload based on the number of documents in the tables, and the available processes on our SAP application servers.
Finally, we will examine the runtime analysis of the program and compare to a standard single process execution.

The test program basically consists of the following steps:

    • Call function module SPBT_INITIALIZE to find out how many available processes we can use
    • Split the number of documents into handy packages and call an RFC a number of times in parallel
    • Wait for the results from the called RFC's and merge them all back into the final report
The program is fairly straightforward. It reads BKPF, tries to split the retrieved BKPF entries into nice "packages" based on the key fields BUKRS and GJAHR. These are the two main parameters for our RFC-enabled function module - we're building range tables for them in order to facilitate our work. The idea is to pass these two as ranges to the RFC-enabled function reading BSEG, so that the number of documents passed to each call of the function is more or less consistent. Since the number of financial documents will vary with company codes and fiscal years, we cannot ensure a 100% even workload, but this is just an example.

Based on the available resources (number of processes for all application servers, which we find using function SPBT_INITIALIZE), we then start to kick off calls to the RFC-enabled function module. This is done a number of times in parallel, using the CALL FUNCTION STARTING NEW TASK... PERFORMING ... ON END OF TASK. By using this feature, we ensure that the calling program executes a specific form whenever the control is passed back from the RFC "bubble" to the calling program (common sense states you should use object orientation, and thus specify a method, but for our example I find the classical procedural program better for illustration purposes).

What happens when the aRFC finishes, is the following:
    1. Control is passed back to the calling program
    2. The form (or method) specified in the CALL TRANSACTION statement (addition PERFORMING ... ON END OF TASK) is called. This form enables you to retrieve any returning or exporting parameters from the called RFC, and use them in the main processing.

By splitting the workload into sizeable chunks, we can execute a multitude of workloads simultaneously, thereby reducing the total execution time to a fraction of the time traditionally used. In my example, I was able to run this report in less than 5% of the time it took running it in one single process.

The program and function module are presented below. I've done my best to insert comments in order to explain what's going on, and hope you can use this as a template.
The function module has been created as an RFC function (check the Remote-Enabled Module box on the Attributes tab). Besides this, there's nothing special about it.
*& Report  ZTST_CALL_ASYNC_RFC *& &----
*& A small test program for calling function modules a number of times *& in parallel. *&*& The program calls the RFC-enabled function ZTST_READ_BSEG - which *& reads entries from table BSEG and calculates totals*& *& A log table, ZTST_RFC_LOG, is used for logging the progress, both *& from within this program and the function itself. *& *& The program will launch the function on all available app servers. &----

report  ztst_call_async_rfc.

type-pools: abap.

types: begin of t_bkpf,          bukrs  type bukrs,         gjahr  type gjahr,          belnr  type belnr_d,        end of t_bkpf,        tab_bkpf type table of t_bkpf.

types: begin of t_bseg,          bukrs type bukrs,         gjahr type gjahr,          dmbtr type dmbtr,       end of t_bseg.

types: begin of t_stat,          bukrs type bukrs,         gjahr type gjahr,          count type i,        end of t_stat.

types: begin of t_tasklist,          taskname(4) type c,          rfcdest     like rfcsi-rfcdest,          rfchost     like rfcsi-rfchost,          result      type char50,       end of t_tasklist.

data:       lv_max_processes type i,       lv_free_processes type i,       lv_number_of_processes_in_use type i,       lv_started_rfc_calls type i value 0,       lv_finished_rfc_calls type i value 0,       lv_exception_flag(1) type c,       lv_taskname(4) type n value '0001',       lt_tasklist type table of t_tasklist,       lv_index type i,       lt_bkpf type tab_bkpf,       lv_lines_in_bkpf type i value 0,       lv_records_pr_rfc type i value 0,       lv_loop_pass type i value 0,       lv_gjahr type gjahr,       lv_belnr_start type belnr_d,       lv_belnr_end type belnr_d,       lt_results_total type ztst_bseg_results_tt,       lv_total_so_far type i,       lv_bukrs_range type ztst_bukrs_range,       lt_bukrs_range type ztst_bukrs_range_tt,       lv_gjahr_range type ztst_gjahr_range,       lt_gjahr_range type ztst_gjahr_range_tt,       lv_bseg type t_bseg,      lt_results type ztst_bseg_results_tt,       lv_stat type t_stat,       lt_stat type table of t_stat,       lv_sum type i.

field-symbols: type ztst_bseg_results_s.

parameters: p_para as checkbox default 'X'.


  perform initial_selection.

  • The parameter P_PARA allows you to run in sequential mode for comparison purposes!
  if p_para = abap_true.

  • Start by retrieving number of maximum and available processes
    call function 'SPBT_INITIALIZE'       exporting        group_name                     = ''       importing        max_pbt_wps                    = lv_max_processes         free_pbt_wps                   = lv_free_processes      exceptions         invalid_group_name             = 1         internal_error                 = 2         pbt_env_already_initialized    = 3         currently_no_resources_avail   = 4         no_pbt_resources_found         = 5         cant_init_different_pbt_groups = 6         others                         = 7.

    if sy-subrc <> 0.       message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno               with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.     else.       write : / 'Max processes: ', 50 lv_max_processes right-justified.       write : / 'Free processes: ', 50 lv_free_processes right-justified.       uline.

  • Clear the log table of old entries
      delete from ztst_rfc_log where taskname <> '0000'.       delete from ztst_rfc_log where taskname = '0000'.

      lv_records_pr_rfc = lv_lines_in_bkpf / 1000.       write : / 'Number of estimated RFC calls: ', 50 lv_records_pr_rfc right-justified.       uline.

      sort lt_bkpf.       move 0 to lv_index.

  • Accumulate total number of BKPF per BUKRS and GJAHR
      loop at lt_bkpf assigning -count right-justified.       endloop.       uline.

      skip 2.       write : / 'Log messages during execution:'.       uline.

  • Main loop - here, we loop at LT_STAT, which contains number of documents per company code
  • and year (BUKRS and GJAHR). We use these figures to build ranges for BUKRS and GJAHR, which
  • are then used when calling the RFC function module
  • If you do not need to programmatically calculate the number of entries for each RFC call,
  • for instance when processing a table sequentially, you can replace this logic with something simpler,
  • a.k.a. Loop at table, call RFC for each 1000 entries.
      loop at lt_stat assigning -count + lv_total_so_far ) < 1500.
  • Means we have previous entries in ranges, but < 1500 total (including the current record).
  • We add current record to previous ranges and run all of them.
            move 'I' to lv_bukrs_range-sign.             move 'EQ' to lv_bukrs_range-option.             move 0.   "If anything at all in previous ranges, run for these first & flush               write : / 'Calling RFC for previous range', 60 lv_total_so_far right-justified.               perform call_rfc. " with previous ranges only               refresh lt_bukrs_range.               refresh lt_gjahr_range.             endif.

  • Now, run RFC for BUKRS/GJAHR current record (which has more than 1000 in count)
            move 'I' to lv_bukrs_range-sign.             move 'EQ' to lv_bukrs_range-option.             move -gjahr to lv_gjahr_range-low.             append lv_gjahr_range to lt_gjahr_range.          endif.         endif.



  • That's it! We've called our RFC a number of times (hopefully more than one).
  • Now, all that remains is to wait until all RFC's have finished.
    wait until lv_finished_rfc_calls = lv_loop_pass.

  • Write the contents of TASKLIST to show which servers were used and how things went...
    skip 2.     write : / 'Result of RFC calls:'.     uline.     loop at lt_tasklist assigning -result.     endloop.     skip.

  • Booooring... sequential mode - for performance comparison only (try runtime analysis on each logic)

    loop at lt_bkpf assigning -gjahr.

        divide lv_bseg-dmbtr by 1000000.         " To avoid overflow when summing up...         collect lv_bseg into lt_results_total.       endselect.     endloop.


  • Final touch: print the results of all our efforts.
  sort lt_results_total.

  skip 2.   write : / 'Results from BSEG:'.   uline.   write : / 'Company', 10 'Year', 25 'Amount in mill.'.   loop at lt_results_total assigning -dmbtr right-justified.   endloop.

*&      Form  initial_selection &----
  •       text
form initial_selection.

  select bukrs belnr gjahr from bkpf into corresponding fields of table lt_bkpf.

  describe table lt_bkpf lines lv_lines_in_bkpf.   write : / 'Number of records in BKPF:', 50 lv_lines_in_bkpf right-justified.

endform.                    "initial_selection

*&      Form  call_rfc &----
  •       text
form call_rfc.

  add 1 to lv_number_of_processes_in_use.

  • Note that it might not be a good idea to use ALL free processes, such as here.
  • Doing so might cause minor inconveniences for other users, or nasty phone calls
  • from Basis.... 
  • A better idea would be to reduce lv_free_processes by, say, 5 before starting.

  if lv_number_of_processes_in_use > lv_free_processes.     write : / 'Waiting; number of processes > ', lv_number_of_processes_in_use.     wait until lv_number_of_processes_in_use < lv_free_processes.     write : / 'Waiting over, number of processes =', lv_number_of_processes_in_use.   endif.

*   call function 'ZTST_READ_FINANCIAL_DOCS'     starting new task lv_taskname     destination in group default     performing receive_results_from_rfc on end of task     exporting       im_taskname           = lv_taskname       im_bukrs              = lt_bukrs_range       im_gjahr              = lt_gjahr_range
  • Note that we are not using the IMPORTING parameter here;
  • instead it's used when doing RECEIVE RESULT in form RECEIVE_RESULTS_FROM_RFC
    exceptions       communication_failure = 1      system_failure        = 2       resource_failure      = 3.

  case sy-subrc.

    when 0.       write : / 'Started new task, task name ', lv_taskname.

      append initial line to lt_tasklist assigning -taskname = lv_taskname.

  • Retrieve the name of the server
      call function 'SPBT_GET_PP_DESTINATION'         importing           rfcdest = -rfcdest         exceptions           others  = 1.

      lv_started_rfc_calls = lv_started_rfc_calls + 1.       add 1 to lv_taskname.

    when 1 or 2.           "Communications failure
  • This could mean an app server is unavailable; no real need to handle this situation in most cases.
  • (Subsequent calls to the same server will fail, but the FM should run nicely on all available servers).

    when 3.                "No available dialog processes right now - wait!       if lv_exception_flag = space.         lv_exception_flag = 'X'.         write : / 'No more processes available, waiting...'.         wait until lv_finished_rfc_calls >= lv_started_rfc_calls.      else.                "Second attempt         write : / 'Still no more processes available, waiting...'.        wait until lv_finished_rfc_calls >= lv_started_rfc_calls.

        if sy-subrc = 0.   "Wait successful - processing continues           clear lv_exception_flag.         else.              "Wait failed - something is wrong with RFC processing. Aborting.           write : / 'No RFC calls completed - aborting processing!'.           exit.         endif.       endif.   endcase.

endform.                    "call_rfc * &----
*&      Form  RECEIVE_RESULTS_FROM_RFC &----
  •       Called when we return from the aRFC.
  •      -->VALUE         text
  •      -->(P_TASKNAME)  text
form receive_results_from_rfc using value(p_taskname).

  • Note: WRITE statements will not work in this form!

  data lv_netwr type netwr_ap.   data lv_netwr_num(18) type n.   data lt_results type ztst_bseg_results_tt.

  lv_number_of_processes_in_use = lv_number_of_processes_in_use - 1.

  • Update the TASKLIST table, which is used for logging
  read table lt_tasklist with key taskname = p_taskname assigning -result = 'Error in task execution'.     endif.   endif.

  • Receive the results from the RFC
  receive results from function 'ZTST_READ_FINANCIAL_DOCS'     importing re_results = lt_results.      " <--- receiving the result from the RFC!

  • Loop at partial results; include in our totals table
  loop at lt_results assigning function ztst_read_financial_docs . *"----

  • This is a function module used by program ZTST_CALL_ASYNC_RFC
  • for demo purposes. The idea is to show how to take long-processing
  • programs and split them up into parallel processes, by calling
  • RFC's asynchronously. The calling program will call this function
  • module a number of times, then collect the results and process them.

  types: begin of t_bseg,            bukrs type bukrs,            gjahr type gjahr,            dmbtr type dmbtr,          end of t_bseg.

  data lt_bseg type table of t_bseg.   data lv_rfc_log type ztst_rfc_log.   data lv_filename type string.

  field-symbols h2. Structure for the exporting parameter (table)

Checking the system load

During program run, you can check your RFC's with transaction SM66, which shows all processes across the application servers of your system.
h2. Final word: run time analysis
Try using the run time analysis on the program, both when selecting parallel mode and when un-checking P_PARA (which causes a normal select within the main program). The runtime analysis won't show the additional load of the RFC modules running in parallel, but the total program execution time is far lower - and this, after all, is the main point of splitting a workload into separate parallel tasks.
Running in sequential mode (no parallel RFC's):
Running in parallel mode:
As you can see, the run time is dramatically reduced. Total system load may amount to the same (and should actually be slightly higher, with the overhead of the separate RFC's), but it's the total execution time that counts. Here, the execution time is roughly 10% when using asynchronous RFC's as compared to a classical "one-in-all" process.
The above tests were run in a system with approximately 35.000 entries in BKPF, and 100.000 in BSEG.
h2. Words of warning (again)

A few words on transactional RFC's: There are situations when you cannot use this technique. Commits cannot be performed inside an RFC - this would conflict with the session in which the main program is running. You can find more info on these topics by checking SAp help for RFC programming. However, for the larger part of processor-intensive developments, it is a technique that is sadly overlooked. I recommend everyone to give it a try, provided they follow the guidelines provided by SAP on the topic.
h2. Additional reading:
In addition to the blogs and resources mentioned at the start, the following is worth checking out:

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